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Language Training

Our trainings

Your Partner for International Communication

Our goal? Help you operate with the highest level of professionalism in your international communication.

We offer training in English, Spanish and German (other languages on request), tailor-made to meet your own personal needs and constraints or those of your company in order to provide customised language services that satisfy the most demanding customers.
Our training courses are designed around tangible, focused objectives aligned with our clients’ personal and professional ambitions. There are no prerequisites for accessing our training courses.

In addition to our in-house staff, we also call on a trusted network of rigorously-selected external expert trainers.

Version Originale takes the greatest care to ensure our clients work with the right people to best meet their needs.

We will work with you to set measurable objectives aligned with your personal and professional ambitions.

There are no prerequisites for accessing our training courses.

Find out everything you need to know about the courses offered by Version Originale (objectives, duration, terms and conditions, deadlines, rates, teaching and evaluation methods).

photo d'un cours de langue avec deux personnes autour d'une table
training hours
per year
0 +
years of experience
0 +


If your training course is taken under the CPF personal training scheme you are required to take an exam at the end, in our case the CLOE exam, available in several languages. If you need to take another specific test, please contact us to enquire about availability.

The CLOE is an on-line exam taken in strict compliance with the test protocol. There is no pass rate, you will receive a certificate giving your level on a sliding scale (corresponding to the CEFR levels from A2 upwards).

If you are interested in taking a course under the CPF scheme, you will find all the information about our training on the website “Mon Compte Formation”

Why use Version Originale for training?

Made-to-measure language services
•An approach focused on performance and encouragement
A responsive, friendly team
A positive learning environment
Our team of language trainers

Our in-house trainers

photo formateur linguistique

Trainer (English)

Bunmi, our Scottish trainer has been delivering English training for Version Originale since 2006 after working for a number of years in a customer service role. Attentive and flexible, he adapts his lessons to keep you motivated as you become more and more comfortable with using the English language. An experienced trainer, he knows how to create a good learning environment for his students.

His motivation? See you make progress and use what he teachers you in your day-to-day work.

photo formatrice linguistique

Trainer (English)

Jenny, our Welsh trainer with an infectious smile, is passionate about language training, a profession she took up in 2009. Adaptable and willing to listen, she will put you at ease right away and make you really want to learn English.

Her satisfaction? Seeing you learn to love English and make an effort outside of the classes. Her training sessions focus on sharing, discussion and laughter to show that it is possible to learn while having fun!

photo formatrice linguistique espagnol

Trainer (Spanish)

With over 35 years’ experience, no-one is better placed than our Spanish teacher Paloma to help you perfect your professional Spanish. With her caring and dynamic attitude, she knows exactly how to motivate her trainees and help them progress.

Her priority? Give you a love of Spanish with dynamic, interactive, inspiring sessions that combine learning and fun.

photo formatrice linguistique allemand

Trainer (German)

Agnès, our German trainer, puts her extensive corporate experience and her trainer skillset to full use when teaching our trainees aiming to improve their German.  The clear explanations she provides on points of language and intercultural aspects are greatly appreciated by her students.

Her goal? Guide you towards mastering the German language with rigour, professionalism and encouragement, delivering structured and motivating training sessions.

Our team of language trainers

Our freelance trainers

photo formatrice linguistique

Trainer (English)

Penny, our English trainer with over 30 years’ experience delivers lessons that are perfectly adapted to your needs. Her caring approach and excellent listening skills will immediately let you know you’re in safe hands. Her training sessions clearly show that learning doesn’t have to be boring!

photo formateur linguistique

Trainer (English)

With his background as a musician and sound technician, our Irish trainer Dean channels all his creativity into helping his trainees progress through dynamic, fun training sessions, perfectly crafted to optimise your progress.  Dean encourages his students whilst helping them to structure and express their ideas in natural, fluent English. His training sessions are designed to build confidence and improve your communication skills in English in a positive and encouraging environment.

photo formateur linguistique

Trainer (English)

Alex, our American trainer, has a deep love of language that stems from his career as a writer, he is also a highly experienced trainer. His good humour is infectious and his love of words comes across very clearly in his training sessions. You’ll immediately feel at ease working with Alex who excels in passing on his love of the English language and will motivate you to work hard to optimise your progress.

photo formatrice linguistique français

Trainer (French)

Isabelle, our teacher of French as a foreign language, began her career in the United States over 22 years ago. Specialised in working with training companies offering made-to-measure training courses, she helps her trainees progress thanks to her expertise in the French language and deployment of educational tools that she continually updates with new techniques and innovations.

Get in touch to talk about your language training needs!

Set up a call or appointment to talk so we can produce a proposal that corresponds to your needs, your level, your budget and funding. If you have a disability we can discuss how your training course can be adapted to your situation and your requirements. Rachel Whyte is our Disability Focal Person.

What our clients say about us…

Ce que disent nos clients de nos services de formation

enquête de satisfaction auprès de 201 stagiaires, chiffres du 15/11/2022.

Our Qualiopi Certification

photo certificat organisme de formation Qualiopi