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Top tips to improve your Business English

As the international business language, the ability to speak English has become more important in non-native English countries and the trend is likely to continue to increase in the coming years.

This does not only mean having the ability to make grammatically correct sentences, but also the ability to impress at interviews, converse over the phone with colleagues and clients, collaborate online and present effectively in meetings and presentations.

Learning English is an investment, both time and energy, but an investment that can open many doors to both personal and professional growth. Learning or improving your Business English as needs to be fun. If you look at it as a chore, you won’t stay motivated.

Here are 4 helpful ways to improve your business language skills and feel more confident when speaking English:

1. Read business magazines & materials

Try to read business articles or materials as much as possible. Most people spend hours a day on their mobile phones, so why not put some of those hours to good use? If you have a news app on your phone, download one in English also.  There are likely to be many articles, reports and magazines, specific to all business, that can be found on the internet. Spend time weekly reading articles that are relevant to your industry and of on interest to you rather than English language coursebooks.

2. Listen to podcasts or TED talks or watch movies or TV shows in English

It’s important to build vocabulary and expressions that are relevant both to your business and everyday situations. Listening to business podcasts or TED talks, will help you improve your vocabulary and expressions. Watching TV shows or movies will help you understand the language better and get used to more informal, conversational English.

3. Throw yourself in the deep end and practice, practice, practice

This might seem obvious, but there really is no better way to learn or improve your English than by jumping in and speaking English whenever you can. Find opportunities within your workplace, online or in your personal circle to develop your speaking and writing skills. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel and the easier it will get.

4. Take a business English course

If you have time, taking an English language course is an excellent way to develop your English.  Good quality courses are adapted to your needs and offer personalized content and can dramatically improve your skills by providing an opportunity to practice with a native speaker.

Don’t be afraid to try different ideas. If you don’t know where to start, why not consider joining one of Version Originale courses?

All of our courses are eligible for CPF.

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